wie zien we? van links naar rechts:
Annemarie Jorritsma, VVD-verkenner
Kajsa Ollongren, D66-verkenner en minister BiZa
Mark Rutte, de VVD-spullenbaas
Sigrid Kaag, D66 aspirant première en minister van handel (& wandel?)
Wopke Hoekstra, CDA-reservist
wie is het slachtoffer ….? waarschijnlijk de Waarheid, die weet wie Pieter Omtzigt (CDA volksvertegenwoordiger) wil(-len) lozen …?
Why Do We Say “The Butler Did It“? By Matt Soniak | May 22, 2013
* citaat uit the Guardian * It’s the biggest cliché in mystery writing. But where did the cliché originate? Were any fictional butlers ever actually revealed as murderers? Judging from the phrase’s cultural resonance, you’d think the early mystery scene was seething with hatchet-wielding manservants. An investigation of the evidence, however, reveals another story entirely. The butler was framed.
The concept of “the butler did it” is commonly attributed to Mary Roberts Rinehart. Her otherwise forgettable 1930 novel, The Door, is notable for (spoiler alert) the ending, in which the butler actually is the villain. (The actual phrase “the butler did it,” however, never appears in the text.) * einde citaat *