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‘ There is a widely accepted typology of international migration which consists of six main types of migrants: (1) permanent settlers, (2) temporary contract workers, (3) temporary professional employees, (4) clandestine or illegal workers, (5) asylum seekers, and (6) refugees. To this typology, another category may be added, these are the transit migrants, who are the people who come to a country of destination with the intention of going to and staying in another country.

From the beginning it is necessary to remind ourselves that although the transit migrants are usually associated with specific migratory context, they often occur within a web of other types of migration. For instance, clandestine or illegal workers, asylum seekers, refugees and transit migrants often overlap. In other words, the category of transit migrants consists of a mixture of various types of migrants. Therefore the concept of transit migration must be constructed according to a typology which recognises not only the intention of migrants but alsothe dynamics and mechanisms of the whole migration process.’

Ahmet Ic ̧duygu  (2000)  The politics of international  migratory regimes: transit migration flows in Turkey  –  ISSJ 165/2000.  UNESCO 2000. Published by Blackwell Publishers, 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.











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