Video: Ukraine Soldiers Sing Praises Of WW II Era N@zi Oct 22, 2022
We keep hearing about how talk of Ukrainian Nazis is just so much Russia propaganda, yet we’re also routinely confronted with example after example of Ukrainian citizens and soldiers alike demonstrating sympathy with or wearing symbols of Nazism or Nazi-affiliated groups. The latest? A video of Ukrainian paratroopers singing a song of praise for Stepan Bandera, the Ukrainian World War II figure and Nazi sympathizer who helped with the extermination of thousands of Ukrainian Jews.
Pfizer To QUADRUPLE Price Of COVID Boosters After CDC Approval Oct 22, 2022
Jimmy Dore Delivers Fiery Rant On Tucker Carlson Jun 18, 2022
On Wednesday evening Jimmy made another of his legendary appearances on Tucker Carlson’s show, the most popular cable news program in the country. In a finely targeted rant, Jimmy took aim at Democrats for cravenly trying to blame all of the nation’s woes on Vladimir Putin while also reserving plenty of his ire for both Republicans and Democrats who, he said, serve the interests of the oligarchy that funds them rather than the American citizens who vote for them.