‘ Waarom zouden “ze” aan de grote klok hangen dat politiebaas Kraag naar Europol gaat?’
- ‘ Geen idee. Misschien om de boel op stang te jagen? Misschien is het een broodje aap? Wie kan dat tegenwoordig nog zeggen? We wonen intussen in een spiegelpaleis, dat is gehuld in rookgordijnen.’
‘ Je hoopt natuurlijk dat de politieke nomenklatoera van zins is om echt en oprecht …. enzovoorts, maar dat is louter projectie gecombineerd met wensdenken – denk ik voorlopig maar.’
Citaat uit Harold D. Lasswell (1966:52-53) The Analysis of Political Behaviour: An Empirical Approach. ISBN-13: 9780208004109 : It should be obvious that our existing law school curriculum is not adequately oriented toward achieving the distinctive values and conditioning variables of a free society. For the most part the organizing principle still appears to be legal technicality; problems are defined and classified in terms of overlapping legal concepts of high level abstraction rather than in reference to social objectives. Concerned largely with the traditional, conventional syntax of appellate opinions, the curriculum offers little explicit consideration of alternative social objectives, general or specific, or of justifications for preference or preference priorities. Legal concepts and doctrines, which in theory are instrumental only, are too often presented as if they embodied the prime democratic values of society, and specific decisions are too often appraised or justified, not according to the degree to which they implement these values, but exclusively in terms of their supposed logical derivation from ambiguous definitions and doctrines. Little orientation is given in the historical and contemporary trends that are most helpful in determining what problems are most important and what objectives are most practicable, and in supplying the background necessary to the formation of realistic judgments about such important problems as do find their way —more often by accident than design—into the present curriculum.