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Max Blumenthal on AIPAC (Aug8, 2024)  www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sx1ZpfhYE_k


Geredigeerd citaat uit Reinhold Niebuhr (1932) Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics; Chapter 4: The Morality of Nations. –  www.amazon.com/Moral-Man-Immoral-Society-Theological/dp/0664235395

Nations are territorial societies, the cohesive power of which is supplied by the sentiment of nationality and the authority of the state. The fact that state and nation are not synonymous and that states frequently incorporate several nationalities, indicates that the authority of government is the ultimate force of national cohesion. The fact that state and nation are roughly synonymous proves that, without the sentiment of nationality with its common language and traditions, the authority of government is usually unable to maintain national unity.

For our purposes we may think of state and nation as interchangeable terms, since our interest is in the moral attitudes of nations which have the apparatus of a state at their disposal, and through it are able to consolidate their social power and define their political attitudes and policies. The selfishness of nations is proverbial. It was a dictum of George Washington that nations were not to be trusted beyond their own interest.

There is always, in every nation, a body of citizens more intelligent than the average, who see the issues between their own and other nations more clearly than the ignorant patriot, and more disinterestedly than the dominant classes who seek special advantages in international relations. The size of this group varies in different nations. Although it may at times place a check upon the more extreme types of national self-seeking, it is usually not powerful enough to affect national attitudes in a crisis.







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