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Französisch-Guyana – Alter Film mit bekannten Gesichtern ! Thomas Gast – Der Legionär    Apr 07 2023




Geredigeerd citaat uit Paul Virilio: ‘ [W]hile the stockpiling of weapons that will doubtless never be used is considered by the uninitiated to be an act of madness, in military eyes not only is it not an aberration, its magic is precisely to be without any justification, to have no other reason for existence than to be brandished and quantified in public. Since, according to J. P. Goebbels, the only measure of a military decision lies in its monstrous power, the very disproportion in the published figures (kilotonnes per head of population, etc.) serves to counteract the sense of familiarity among the populations in question and to stir up their nuclear faith.
In order to create a climate of terror, military men in both camps will certainly have to come up with something better than the forty million killed in the Second World War.
This is why President Carter, continuing in a sense Eisenhower’s last speech in 1961 that attacked the military-industrial complex, declared in his farewell address to the nation: It may only be a matter of time before madness, desperation, greed or miscalculation lets loose this terrible force. In an all-out nuclear war, more destructive power than in all of World War Two would be unleashed every second during the long afternoon it would take for all the missiles and bombs to fall. A World War Two every second – more people killed in the first few hours than in all the wars of history put together.’

Paul Virilio (1989/1984:9-10) War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception. ISBN-13: 978-1-84467-346-9. (geredigeerd citaat; cursief in het origineel; vet toegevoegd)





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