John J. Mearsheimer and Katie On The Worlds Trouble Spots & Foreign Policy Issues Of The Day.
John Mearsheimer: The TROUBLE Ukraine, and Israel are in, Result of The Follies of US Foreign Policy.
The Illusion of Rationality / The contrast between the actual nature of world and man, on the one hand, and the picture rationalist phIlosophy draws of it, on the other, deals the final blow to the utilitarian manifestation of rationalist ethics and to the rationalist conceptions of education. Those conceptions are valid only under the assumption that the essence of world and man is rational throughout for only then is it possible to do away with a normative sphere altogether and to reduce ethics to calculations of utility. It is only under this same assumption that one can hope to solve all the problems of the modern world by a quantitative extension of knowledge through education.
If, however, the world is conceived as the scene of a tragic struggle bctween good and evil, reason and passion, the mere advice to follow the commands of reason will not measure up to the nature of the problems to be solved. Without recognition of these tragic antinomies of human existence, the counsel of reason becomes the counsel of unreason; the promise of success turns into the certainty of failure; the goodness of the virtuous unmasks itself as the self-righteous egotism of the hypocrite; and education is reduced to the “objective” communication of facts, unable to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, true and false.
Hans J. Morgenthau (1947:208-209) Scientific man versus power politics.